Sex does not equal love

“You’ve been dating for 6 months and haven’t had sex yet? So how do you know its real love?” I happened to be part of such a conversation a while back. I don’t really remember how we, started off on the sex issue. But there we were, talking about how sex and love are one and the same. At least most of the people present had that idea. I’m not sure where I stand on this issue. Is there love without sex and vice versa?

When it comes to divulging information about your relationships, the issue of sex always comes up. We all want to brag about how good it is or how often we have it. But now tables have turned and we think that the longer you hold out on not doing it, it’s a sign of not being in love.

To men, sex is just sex. Nothing more. But women are now behaving like their counterparts, their having sex and forgetting about it the next morning. However, women will only share their bodies when they feel a certain ‘something’ beyond plain sexual attraction. So does this means the little something they feel is love or is it simply lust, an itch that needs to be scratched?

Many long lasting relationships and marriages hit the rocks when one partner stops having the urge for sex like they did in the beginning. The doubts set in and you assume it’s because they no longer love you. It’s all because we have this notion that people in love must have sex. When you have sex with a new partner for the first time, there is that moment where every emotion is heightened. At that point you absolutely believe its love. So you rush out and tell your closest friend about it and busk in the joy of it. But what happens when that sexual chemistry burns out and there is no excitement in the bedroom anymore?

Sex is an important part of life. It’s one of the important things you need in a relationship. But at the end of the day sex is just that, sex. You can have sex with someone you love or not. But it is not a basis of love. You can’t declare your love for someone simply because the sex is good.

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