Things that turn men off

In a relationship, there will always be something you do that will turn each other off. Women are more vocal with these issues men avoid telling women about them to avoid having issues. Naturally when you tell a woman about what you don’t like will lead to drama and she will obsess over it for a long time.I am not a man, so my list of things that are a turn off might not be the same as theirs. But I did talk to a few guys and they seem to have a few of the same issues that they wish women knew were a complete turn off.

Here a few of the things they told me about

1. Overlooking quiet acts of thoughtfulness

It’s disappointing that men can’t express themselves that well verbally. But it hurts when he makes a sweet and thoughtful gesture and gets no thanks for it. If he changes you oil in the car without you asking or decide to come and cuddle up and give you a back rub when you’re on your periods without you asking you should appreciate it. If he’s a gentleman and holds doors open for you and stands up when you walk into a room, you should thank him for it. He’s showing you he appreciates you and he loves you. The least you could do is acknowledge it and make him feel great that you noticed his small gestures.

2. Assuming they know what you want them to do

Men are not mind readers. If you want them to do something you have to spell it out for them. If you will be out for the day and need him to clean around the house or make dinner, tell him. When you walk back in and throw a fit because things are not done it’s just going to ruin everything. It’s annoying to blame them for not doing something they were not aware they were to do in the first place.

3. Smothering instead of mothering

There is nothing men hate more than being smothered. But we as women don’t know the difference between smothering and mothering. I found out about it the other day. Mothering is all about taking care of them. If they are sick mothering is a source of comfort for them. Smothering on the other hand is making them feel like they can’t take care of themselves and showing them they need you in their life all the time. Ask yourself if you’re making the gesture to ease their suffering or to show how much they should appreciate you. The first is genuine; the second is manipulative. It’s a turn off to smother a man. He needs his space and freedom.

4. Having a superiority complex

Some women have gotten it into their mind that all men are dumb. They love equating everything to “he was just being a typical man”. So he made a mistake, it’s not a big deal to make you belittle him and the entire male species. Every guy has his off moments. Don’t let them make you feel you are better than them. He will dump you once you start on his mistakes and make him look worthless compared to you.

5. Over-Sharing

Men generally don’t like sharing their feelings. When he does, you need to be sensitive and keep it between the two of you. Don’t rush off to tell your mother, sister or friends about what you two discussed. There is a line that men want you not to cross. Build his trust by showing you can keep what he says to yourself.

6. RSVPing for them

How many times have you said yes to plans for your man without consulting him? That’s a huge turn off. If you want to make plans that include your boyfriend or husband, ask him first. There’s nothing more annoying for a man than being dragged to a dinner party or a concert and sitting through it yet he is tired or really not interested in what’s going on. Maybe he wanted to spend the night in alone with you. Ask him about his plans before you create a schedule for him.

7. Fast-forwarding to the future
You just started dating and 2weeks later you are talking about the plans you have for your Valentine’s Day date in 10 years. It’s beautiful to think about your future together. But it’s also irritating top plan a whole future based on a few dates. Live in the moment and enjoy it. Don’t plan too much for the future as it will turn him off and you won’t get those moments you’ve been dreaming about.

These are a few things you could work on so that you keep that man in your life. Men, what other things do women do that turn you off?


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