The 10 Types Of Women a Man Should Never think of Marrying.......................

The 10 Types Of Women a Man Should Never think of Marrying.......................

There comes a time when a man gets tired of games. The fatigue comes with a craving for family life – the need to marry and settle down. But the truth is, a man can’t marry anyone, he has to select, using both his heart, intellect and preference. As an African and Kenyan man, there are certain types of women you shouldn’t marry. Why not? The reason is simple

Marriage is supposed to be a ‘happily ever after kind of thing’ and even though married people are never fully happy, your degree of joy and peaceful co-existence should be at the highest figure possible. To achieve that, you need a good woman, not these 10 types:

The lady that can’t cook.

The same reason your father didn’t marry a woman that couldn’t cook is the same reason you shouldn’t marry one too. As adults, both young and old, we tend to remember those delicious meals our mums always prepared for us when were kids. How we always frowned when we couldn’t get more chapati or meat. Well guess what? As an African man you are entitled to those kinds of meals for the rest of your life and they should no longer come from your mother or from a restaurant. They should come from your wife.

We’re living in a generation that has lots of Pizza women. Women who dislike cooking and can’t prepare basic foods like chapati or good ugali. When you are looking for someone to spend the rest of your life with, it’s advisable to shun these women. it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are as a man, you surely wouldn’t want to be cooking all the time. So if you see signs of burnt eggs, watery ugali or high school like vegetables, run to the hills before the two of you tie the knot.

The lady that handles little children carelessly

How does she react when that little kid who’s begging in town runs towards her? How does she handle her little siblings? Does she buy stuff for them? Does she miss them? Does yearn to spend time with them? Does she speak fondly about kids? These are questions you need to ask yourself as a man. When you get the answers, you can use them to determine how motherly she can be. A lady that mishandles children can never be a good mother.

The lady that is completely obsessed with you

This type of woman is very difficult to date, let alone marry. At first, you might be flattered and honored that she is so into you, but soon, you start feeling overwhelmed and suffocated by her. As good woman must have something going on in her own life so that she’s not just waiting or calling him all the time. She must have a career or business.

A woman that is totally obsessed with you might also turn out to be very dangerous. She might burn your clothes or car when word reaches her that you were spotted in a restaurant with your female workmate. Some even go to extremes like stalking you wherever you go, Avoid such women.

The ratchet

I know you all know the ratchet perfectly well by now. I described her in detail in this past article Characteristics of Ratchet Ladies The ratchet loves the life of the party and has misplaced priorities in life. You know the type of ladies that leave their babies at home and go partying all night? Ratchets believe that life is all about merriment and YOLO. No, there’s more to life.

Some don’t have a fashion sense, they have a nude sense. Non decent dressers are appealing when you are drunk or when all you need is a quick fix but the last thing you want to do is marry someone who doesn’t mind their dressing or put’s their body on display for all to see. Marry a lady who respects her body enough to keep it covered and modest.

The lady with daddy issues

This woman usually likes being taken care of. She always looks for her daddy’s qualities in every man. Her persona is still stuck on her childhood self despite the fact that she’s a grown up woman. She’s used to receiving all the love without giving any back. This is the type of lady that might frown when you buy a gift for your daughter instead of her. Deep down she is looking for a father figure, a replica of the man she has grown up knowing. As a man you can’t match anyone’s father.

Initially, when you date such a woman, you might like how she looks up to you for approval and the answer to all of her questions, but soon, you realize that you want to a real woman not a girly one; definitely not someone who keeps making comparisons to daddy.

The lady that hates her parents, your parents, relatives and everything traditional

You know that kind of lady that will advise you to start a bar instead of wasting your money on farming? Everything traditional and ‘ocha’ is stressful to her. If you want a beautiful family, you should marry a woman who is open. She should have the ability to handle your annoying mother and embrace African values. She must be caring towards her own parents and offer them help from time to time. Family comes first. She shouldn’t be totally clouded by western culture. If she’s the opposite of all this, jeopardy will creep in at a certain point in your marriage.

The ‘Bossy’ lady

This woman likes to order around. She has a preference for instructions – she likes it when everything be done her way. Most Kenyan men, i included will agree that they prefer having the majority say in a relationship or opinions should at least be equally split.

When you first meet the bossy lady, you might think this trait is cute. You feel like you are in an erotic movie, playing the subject and she, the naughty mistress. However, with time, you begin to notice that things aren’t right. Once you start to feel like you are in primary school being told what to do by your annoying Mathematics teacher, chances are that you will end up leaving. So why marry her in the first place?

The Gossip queen and Non-stop talker

This woman loves to gossip and she loves to hear things about other people as well. Initially when you meet her, you might be amused by her anecdotes but eventually her journalistic nature begins to bother you. It’s okay when a woman gossips with her girls, but when she brings the gossip to you, she has a problem. And if you entertain the gossip, you have a problem too.

This type of woman also wants to be at least as good as everyone else she knows. She will be constantly talking about what the other people do and what the other people have. This places a lot of undue pressure on you as her man and eventually, you get fed up of her lack of appreciation

Also, If all she does is talk and talk yet she doesn’t counter her words with actions, you need to reevaluate your relationship. Happiness is not milked from endless speech and man shall not live on bed time stories alone.

The Negative Nun

She’s the woman who can find something negative in just about anything. She’s ever critical. Although there is nothing wrong with a woman being a little skeptical, living life with someone who is constantly negative will definitely hurt your relationship. It’s not worth it.

the negative nun is the type of woman men are weariest of. She might claim that she loves you just the way you are, but little by little, she complains at just about everything you do. If it isn’t your hygiene, it’s your wardrobe or taste in music. Soon she becomes more than irritating.

The cheater

She believes that being a player will help her land the best man. She has the ability to play with men’s hearts perfectly without them even realizing it. This is always the kind of woman that has men in ranks e.g from number one to ten, each one with a specific role. She ends up marrying the one that gives her less trouble and this might just be you. Her whore behavior never ends though. However, as her main man, you will be quick to note her wayward ways and as they say you shouldn’t be in a marriage with someone you can’t trust. I believe that everyone can change, but please don’t get caught up in the lie that infidelity is normal, it isn’t.

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