3. Most Important Erogenous Zone

Most Important Erogenous Zone

3) Her mind is her most important erogenous zone – Yep, I’ve said this before, so it obviously applies to women and sex a lot. You guys are so lucky. I was at a Pure Romance toy party recently where the rep was discussing female masturbation. She noted how little women know about what’s between our legs compared to men. You all play with that thing from birth, so you can arouse yourself in zero-to-light speed like there’s an ignition button. Our genitalia are far more mysterious to us, and to make it more complicated, what works one time might not work another. My guess is that’s because our minds are involved in it, and a woman’s mind has to reach a certain place for maximum effective arousal. So if you employ #1 below (slow slow slow), you’re doing more than touching her. You’re sending a message. “You’re worth taking my time; I find you so lovely I don’t want to rush this; I want to touch you everywhere.” There’s a reason we go gooey when we read that kind of thing in romance novels!


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