Standing Tall
Sounds a little silly and obvious right? Especially if you’re 5ft tall. But what I mean by this is standing with your shoulders back, head held high and back straight. In theory these three little things don’t sound like much at all, but I’m telling you by standing tall you will resonate confidence and start feeling a lot more sure of yourself.
Once I started doing this, I noticed myself not shying away from eye contact a lot more, strange right? But for some reason it works, it’s like you feel as though you can take on anyone. Don’t let this one slip, give it a go and remind yourself when you start to slouch.
Goodness me, I cannot tell you how incredibly attractive smiling is to a woman, let me ask you something. Have you ever been in a conversation with a woman and you noticed how beautiful her smile was? Like she was giving off this vibe? That’s how powerful smiling is and if you haven’t then you need to make yourself more aware of this.
The next time you’re walking towards a gorgeous woman, just do one thing… smile. Try and smile in a non creepy way, it needs to be in a cheeky kind of way that shows you are again confident but also willing to open conversation.
At first this will be hard, particularly in London, it took me a good few attempts before I could carry it off, but once you do it a few times you’ll start to get great responses from women, some will even open you – so make sure this is something you test at least ten times.
Eye Contact
If you take just one thing away from this article and use, please make it eye contact. I cannot stress enough how important strong, dominant and sexy eye contact is. You might be thinking, how the hell can I convey all those qualities just through my eyes?
Simple, when you’re looking into a woman’s eyes just say to yourself “how would a confident, strong minded and sexual guy be looking at this really attractive girl right now, to show that he’s not scared in the slightest?”. You should naturally start to get it and what I mean by that is… “the look”. Women will react differently in conversion and each word will feel more intense, sexual tension is built from this.
At a first glance though, you need to hold eye contact, make sure that when you lock each others gaze… you NEVER look away first. Spice things up to, when you’re looking over, throw in a little smile or a raised eyebrow, these will get a response from her without a doubt.
So there you have it the three most important things to attract women that I use on a daily basis once I set foot outside the front door. Although these are the basics, they REALLY do work – so try them, master them and play around with them.

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