You Won't Find True Love Until You Do These 5 Things, It's all about letting go of the past{ Must Read}
1. You are no longer afraid of getting your heart broken.
You have reached a stage in your life where finding or going after true love is far more valuable than the obstacles (read heart breaks) on the way.Your focus is clear and straight- to reach out to that one soul who is meant to share his/ her soul with you.
2. You understand and believe that nothing lasts forever, except the love insideof you.
Neither relationships nor friendships last forever — everything is transient. People undergo changes and so do feelings and belief systems; even human cells undergo changes every seven years.So whatever makes you grow is the best for you. This realization has dawned on you and you embrace everything fully and completely.
3. You're not afraid to commitbecause the fear of rejection or dejection has left you.
You are courageous enough to walk toward what gives you joy and peace, even if it involves commitment. You don't look at commitment as a bondage of yourfree spirit, but you take it as a natural step towards the one you love.Commitment doesn't mean marriage or a live-in situation necessarily but granting that emotional space to that someone special in your life, which you will not share with anyone else.
4. You feel free, alive, joyous and ready to break all shackles within yourself.
You feel an amazing energy insideof you that stems out of deep faithin the universe and in the goodness of life. No obstacle or trouble or grief or sorrow can put you down for long. You are raring to go and experience life intensely and fully.
5. You are open to learn all your lessons that life has to offer quickly but truly.
You act wisely, maturely and look at every life experience as a stepping stone towards your innerself.