in the dating world, names mean a lot. Sometimes, when you mention you are dating an Alfred or a Olivia, you are given a thumbs up, you are safe. Today, we bring you a list of names which are usually related to the worst crimes in the dating world.

Now these guys have earned our worst name on the list. Andrews love money with a passion and may even substitute you for money. Their lust for money matches that they have for women, these guys love women. Anything in a skirt is worth looking over and they do not waste any time. They are so jealous it hurts. They don’t like it when you see any other guy, talk or even call or receive calls from a guy. Their arrogance is disarming, they think they are the best people in the world and do not accept wrongs. They are even so talkative but at least they are social. They talk to people and can easily make friends anytime.

We love these guys, I mean they are handsome but when it comes to relationships. They are quiet. It is hard getting a word out of these guy’s mouth, you may even die trying. It is so funny how a guy can de-tooth, these guys love money but do not work for it. They get money from the women willing to part from money. They are plan-less, they lack focus for the future, and they survive on their sharpness. They can easily work their way through life without working a notch for what they have and they will have the guts to say they are doing well, financially.

This name is related to the era of Mills and Boon where names like Ryan were rampant. Brian are unusually handsome and so hot, you may fail to find a fault with them, till you get in a relationship with them. They are usually poor men, they rely so much on their physical beauty that they forget they have to work to earn a living. Their beauty makes them players, they know they can get any woman they want without a hustle. Being handsome comes hand in hand with short-temperedness. They know they are handsome so nothing can stop them from getting what they want, anger them and they will get unnecessarily angry and walk out on you. To make matters worse, they will have the guts to accuse them of being in the wrong, they are so defensive when it comes to arguing their case.

Is a name for quiet guys. They are so shy and in a way lack purpose, they do not have future plans, they live for today and tomorrow has to take care of itself. They have characters of women like looking downcast instead of looking into someone’s eyes; their manners are almost lady like. This makes them an easy target for the women that’s why they are womanizers. They love women and do not hide it, at least to them selves.

Is another name that attracts a lot of attention. These guys are horny, I do not know how scientific that is but it is true, they love sex so much it is annoying. They are a handsome lot and players. They love women and women love them back but are not relationship oriented. They can get casual flings but when it gets to getting serious, they run away.

These guys shame the origin of the name. They are womanizers to the dot, they don’t let anything in a skirt go by without commenting, wooing or even saying hi. They are bold enough to say they are single in front of their girlfriends and still feel okay about it. They are proud and arrogant. They know they have good communication skills with the ladies and use this to get them far. However, they are not disarmingly handsome, their tongues is the only weapon they have on the women.

Isaacs are lady killers, they have romantic fibers in their bodies and know it. This makes them players and unfaithful. They have what it takes to make women satisfied and once you get one, you will know what I am talking about. But, be careful, Isaacs are proud and brag about their ability to get as many women as they want. So, be on guard.

Richards are unusually good people. They are quiet, humble and do not like experiencing life. Risks are not in their genes and they do every thing right, that is why most Richards do things like being a waiter, wall painters, they love drinking and parting without any clue on how tomorrow will be.

Timothy- proud, arrogant, braggarts and do not have a care in the world. Most of them are not handsome, they are usually financially stable and they do not want any problem, if you call women that. They love women, just like Brian and they go for who ever is available. They are more comfortable with casual not serious relationships.

Lastly, we have Steve; such a sweet name but totally wrong characters. Steves are usually rigid people, our parents and parents before them were called Steve and all they want is to be traditional, to the dot. They can’t stand change and they let you know that. When he likes you, be ready to get a knife to cut him off because these guys are ‘supergluers’. They stick on you lest you run away from them. They will stalk you till you block their phone numbers or report them to the police.
That is all that we had for you in relation to the names of the men which are to be careful about. If you have one who is not on this list, let us know, if he is on the list and the characters do not apply on him, be happy, he is 1% of those who do not have these character traits.
Do not worry gentlemen, i also bring you the names of those women you should try avoiding.
Women are lovely characters, beautiful, loving, caring, and the like. But they are also vile creatures. We bring you the wickedest girl names, these girls are men killers and they love the job.
Grace, this is a name for the extremely sexy women. They love life and they are beautiful. Do not be deceived though. These ladies are heart breakers, they cheat like hell and do not give a damn. They wait for you to love them, fall head over heals and leave you gaping after them when they are done with you.

Sandra, these beautiful creatures of God are greedy, not for men but for food. They love food, the same way they love men and money. The two go hand in hand, you have money and you are a man, just stretch your arms and she will fall into your embrace. When you love one, be careful, they are argumentative. They argue with any kind of thing worth arguing about. They carry on to defensive, they try to be in the right all the time and they do not miss a thing. They are a jealous lot. When they get a man, they are ready to bite off someone’s head if she touches her man.

Irene, they are the epitome of beauty but are cowards. They do not have the courage to do anything worth remembering. But, they are sex maniacs. These women love sex as much as money. They de-tooth money from men like no man’s business. They look good so you can not know they do not work for what they have.

Suzan, sorry guys but these ladies are not attractive. They are so quiet and faithful in all their endeavors. But be careful, they may run out on you once they gain their self esteem. They are bold and outspoken; if you are looking for that, don’t look any further than any lady called Suzan.

Sharon is a name associated to beauty, unfaithfulness, sexiness, and money. These are unusually beautiful and they know it. They will treat men like dirt if you try to woo her and when you finally succeed, she will let you do everything for her. You will fuel her car, pick her up from work and the rest, she is beautiful and you do not want to lose her, right? They mastered the skill of lying and break hearts steadily.
Barbra is a name linked to fat girls and casual relationships. They do not want anything serious so they settle for a little love and then they leave. They are argumentative and they want you to know they are right all the time.

Rachael is now another name to reckon with. They are beautiful girls who do not care for anything in the world. They are beautiful and unfaithful women. Women usually called Rachael love money and they want to get it all the time.

Elizabeth are quiet women, faithful. They are however also proud and boring. Their silence gets too deafening and this makes you yearn for something fun every time you are with them.
Mary is a name to avoid at all costs. These women are stickers, they stick to whoever man is available. To the women, if you have a Mary friend, be careful they are men snatchers. They will stick to your man and not leave till they through you out of the picture. They are schemers, they plan strategies to get you hooked or even killed.
Last on our list is Sarah. Most men know what I am talking about.

Sarah is a name linked to arrogance, beauty, pride, money and unfaithfulness. Most of them are proud of their beauty, or rather that other Sarahs are beautiful. They love money and they show it in every way. You can spell unfaithfulness in their eyes and arrogance is their sister.
Women are considered vile creatures because they have the power to make men weak. However, be careful when looking for one, and these names can help you. If I did not put a name, comment, I will know, if I did and she is not like that, be glad.

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