Top 10 Ways to arouse a woman

You may have heard that the surefire way to arouse a woman is to “make it all about her,”, but that’s not a self-serving message. It takes us girls more time to get to the same place, and we rely on your help for that. You’re our hero, in the bedroom and out. So here are some things to add to your lovemaking arsenal beyond your white horse and your ahem lance.

1) Go SLOW. SLOW SLOW SLOW – if I could get away with making all ten choices a repeat of this one, I would, because it is the #1 key to successfully arousing a woman. In fact, think of #1 and #3 as umbrella topics under which all the others fit.

TV, movies and even the genre I write and love—erotic romance—project the idea that what will attract or arouse a woman are six pack abs and lots of money. Yes, most of my heroes do have six pack abs and are well-off, but that’s a romance novel thing, not a real life requirement for a great sex life.

Remember that message at the beginning, making it all about her? At heart, what that means is she needs to feel cherished, loved and the center of your attention when you get physical. Then it doesn’t matter if you have six pack abs or a wad of cash. If she loves you the way you love her, she’s going to respond to your focus on her needs and arousal with a generously passionate response, a way she doesn’t respond to anyone else
