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How To Make That Special One Notice You
How To Make That Special One Notice You
We all have that special person we would like to be with but the person doesn't seem to notice our advances well here are a few ways to make them notice you. Make eye contact - don't look for long. Always smile when you are around him/her. Always say hi/hello or just greet him/her. If you enter the same bus always try to sit next to him/her. Always be alone when you are around your crush so he/she won't fall for your friend. Never claim to be what you are not. Know his/her favorite topics so you can use it to start a conversation. Never talk about any sex related topic on the 1st day cause he/she might find it offensive. If you are his/her friend on any social media try to like, retweet or quote his/her pictures or make a comment don't do it often cause you might look like a stalker. Compliment his/her cloth or makeup. Don't act razz or manly just to impress. Good luck...