Be Genuine/Interested

Be Genuine/Interested

5) Be genuine/interested –Many romance conferences feature cover models who work the crowd. While they are beautiful eye candy, the ones who do best with the readers are those who make a woman feel they are genuinely engaged by her conversation, who will laugh and play with us and have as good a time there as we do. The TV commercials that use cookie cutter male models saying cheesy, monotone things to a woman about her plumbing really don’t turn us on. Think about the recent Subaru commercial with the guy holding the cardboard signs to help his girl get through the bike marathon. If I was her (and not completely exhausted), I would have crossed that finish line, gone right past the cookie cutters and jumped that skinny, geeky guy. Be genuine and interested in her, in and out of the bedroom, and you’ll reap the benefits inside it.

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