Pick Up Lines Women Never Want To Hear

Pick Up Lines Women Never Want To Hear

Did you know men have to gather all their strength to approach women they are interested in, but has anyone ever told them the pick up lines they use sound abusive? Do you remember the pick up line your man used on you? Am pretty sure if you remind him he would deny. Well, here are some pickup lines I would hate to hear a man use on me.

Do you like your eggs friend or fertilized?: I don’t even want to think what would be going on, in a guys head as he drops this line. Its just embarrassing and cheap. But well, men will do anything for this thing called “relationship”. black-couple-yelling-360x414

My love for you is diarrhea, I cant hold it: I don’t know how many have ever heard of this line, but if you are a man and you want to use this line, please do yourself a favor and just stay single.

Nice legs what time do they open: This line is just too ratchet. If a guy uses it on you, please run.

You don’t sweat much for such a fat lass: This is abusive, and using such a line will make you hurt someones feelings.

Did you know your body is 95% water? Lucky you am thirsty: Trust me the guy who uses this line is very honest when he says he is thirsty. The thirst is too real.

Are parents retarded? Cause you sur:e are special: who uses this? I mean who thinks like this?

Excuse me, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can i borrow your?: If you want a girls number ask for it in a normal way, because using such a line, shows how immature you are.

Do you have a map, cause i get lost in your eyes: If you want directions,ask! This is just too class eight!

You are an oasis in my desert life: Which woman wants to know how dry your life is? If you have issues with your life please don’t include them in your pickup lines.
