Crazy Names Women Use To Save Their Mens’ Phone Numbers

Crazy Names Women Use To Save Their Mens’ Phone Numbers

Well most of the time we save our boyfriends names depending on how they treat us or their attitudes. Some may seem too crafty, but hey, that’s just the reality.

-Superglue:Well,just as the name suggests this is a stingy man who can never give you anything. If you ask for something he pretends that it cannot be afford it or he has no money. This kind of man never spends a dime for his woman.

-Pastor: If you like preaching to your woman, this is the name your number falls under. Every time you open your mouth to say something, all she can hear you do is preach. You are a potential husband but in future. She wants to have fun in the mean time but you seem to be blocking her.

-Big daddy: You are her ATM, in a way you seem to have taken the role of her dad as you support her financially. When she is broke she runs to you for money.

Count yourself lucky if you fall under this category because she sees potential in you.

-Real name: Its both good and bad because its mixed feelings. Maybe she loves you but wants to just keep it simple and chilled out, or she doesn’t feel anything for you.

-Big Baby: A boyfriend whose immature falls under this category. Its easy to tell as he has childish behaviors which irritate everyone around him. Most of the time he has to consult his “mummy” on decisions he wants to make. You will find that this boyfriend still lives at his parents house.

-Taxi Mechanic: This is the boyfriend who has a ride but she has no feelings for him. Why on earth would she have her taxi’s mechanics number? You are her cab man and chauffeur who takes her wherever she wants. Most of the time you find that this boyfriend is forced to club hop with her as he is the driver.

-Nagging Guy: Yes you are her boyfriend but you are the nagging type. This is the guy who calls non stop and expects you to pick even in the middle of the night. He has insecurity issues, if you don’t answer his calls prepare yourself for a lecture.

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